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The Song of the Old Mother 篇一


William Butler Yeats


I rise in the dawn, kneel and blow, till the seed of fire flicker and glow.

我在清晨起牀,跪在火爐旁用力吹着爐膛 直到點點火星燃起,搖曳着紅光。

and then i must scrub and blake and sweep, till stars are beginning to blink and peep.

然後,擦洗器具,烘烤食物,打掃庭院 直到羣星滿布,在天空眨眼窺探。

and the young lie long and dream in their bed of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head.

孩子們睡到很晚,沉迷夢鄉 爲美麗的人兒整理華裝。

and their day goes over idleness, and they sigh if the wind but lift the tress.

他們的日子在虛空中流淌, 只爲那風吹散的長髮留一聲喟嘆。

while i must work, because i am old, and the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold.

而我必須要勞作,因爲我老了, 那燃燒的火種也漸漸微弱,冷卻了。

Friend 篇二


Sometimes in life, You find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.

有時在生活中, 你會發現一個特別的朋友; 有人通過成爲你生活的一部分而改變你的命運

Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;


Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.


Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.


This is Forever Friendship. when you're down, and the world seems dark and empty,

這是永遠友好。 當你遇到挫折, 世界似乎黑暗和空洞的,

Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.

你永遠的朋友你在升降機的精神和作出的黑暗和空洞的世界 突然顯得明亮,充滿挑戰。

Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times.


If you turn and walk away, Your forever friend follows,

如果你扭頭就走, 你永遠的朋友如下,

If you lose you way, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.

如果你失去你的方式, 你永遠的朋友會引導您和您的歡呼聲。

Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay.


And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete,

如果你找到這樣的朋友, 你感到幸福和完整,

Because you need not worry, Your have a forever friend for life.

因爲你不用擔心, 你的生活有一個永遠的朋友。

My Father Was My Hero 篇三


My father was my hero, all throughout my life.


The father of eight children, he saw his share of strife.


When I was very little, he appeared to be so large.


In my eyes he could do anything, we all knew he was in charge.


He was a man of great strength both physically and in mind,


but in him there was a gentleness, he found ways to be outgoing and kind.


Many days of childhood were greeted with a kiss,


and songs to me as I awoke, those days I surely miss.


He made me feel so special, “Miss America” he would sing.


I knew I had my father's love. It gave me courage to do almost anything.


From him I learned to stand up tall, to be proud of who I am.


Strength and determination were the qualities of this fine man.


As the years of his life dwindled down, that strength kept him alive.


Plus the unfailing determination to help my ailing mother have the care she needed to survive.


He loved her and his children, so much he gave up years of his life


caring for this woman, his soul mate, his wife.


Day and night he struggled for years with her disease.


A lesser man would have been brought down to his knees.


With illnesses of his own, he still stood by her side


caring for her and loving her until the day she died.


Twenty days later his own time was at an end.


I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend.


A few years have passed, and life just isn't the same.


But as Father's Day approaches, I will celebrate his name.


With prayers to him and God above to stay by my side,


to watch over me and guide me, to look down on me with pride.


For I am my father's daughter, one day we will meet again.


But until then I will remember, and the love will never end.


Mother Machree 篇四


There’s a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There’s a depth in my soul never sounded or known;

在我心中有那麼一隅, 任何少女也不能佔據。 它埋在我靈魂的深處, 我從不聲張從不表露。

There’s a place in my memory my life that you fill; No other can take it no one ever will;

在我的記憶裏, 生活充滿着你。 別人不能替代, 永遠也無例外。

Every sorrow or care in the dear days gone by; Was made bright by the light of the smile in your eye;

逝去的歡樂日子裏, 也曾有煩惱和憂傷。 但你眸中微笑的光, 總可以把一切照亮。

Like a candle that’s set in a window at night; Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right;

宛如一支點燃的蠟燭, 茫茫黑夜中透過窗戶。 你溫柔的愛鼓舞着我, 指引我走上正確道路。

Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair; And the brow that’s all furrowed and wrinkled with care;

我愛你美麗的頭髪, 閃爍着熠熠的銀光。 我愛你額上的皺紋, 刻滿了歲月的滄桑。

I kiss the dear fingers so toil warm for me; Oh! God bless you and keep you, mother machree!

我吻你優美的雙手, 爲我辛勞暖我心房。 願主保佑與你同在, 慈母啊,我的親孃!