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“人民生命高於天,人民利益重如山”。素質教育的重要內容之一“安全教育”。 中學生安全教育有哪幾種: 1. 交通安全 2. 校內外活動安全 3. 消防安全 4.衞生防病,飲食家居安全

一、交通安全 (一).不良的交通習慣 1. 不走人行橫道,不靠路右邊走。 2. 不走人行橫道、天橋,隨意橫穿馬路。 3. 不注意道路和車輛信號,不服從交通管理。 4. 在車行道、橋樑、隧道上追逐、玩耍、打鬧。 5. 穿越、攀登、跨越道路隔離欄。 6. 在鐵路道軌上行走,玩耍。 7. 橫穿鐵路和鑽火車。 8. 不聽從鐵道口管理和信號管理。 (二)中學生騎自行車的問題 1.未滿12歲的兒童獨自騎車。 2.在人行道、機動車道騎車,逆行騎車。 3.騎車橫衝直闖、爭道強行,與機動車搶道。 4.轉彎不減速,不打手勢。 5.在路口闖信號。 6.騎車雙手離把。

7.追逐打鬧,三五並行。 8.手攀機動車行駛,緊跟機動車行駛。 (三)中學生交通事故發生的原因 1.缺乏交通安全意識。 2.缺乏交通安全知識。 3.缺乏交通安全責任感。 4.存在麻痺思想。 5.存在僥倖心理。 (四)正常的行路常識 1.走人行道,靠路右邊走。 2.橫過車行道,要走斑馬線,或走天橋。 3.要注意各種信號燈的指示(紅綠燈、人行橫道信號燈) 4.上下汽車要避讓過往車輛。 5.不在馬路上逗留、玩耍、打鬧。 (五)正常的騎自行車常識 1.不要騎有故障的車。 2.不在人行道上騎車,非機動車靠右行駛。 3.橫穿馬路最好推車行駛。 4.轉彎時減速慢行,觀察並打手勢。 5.不要雙手離把,不併肩行駛。 6.騎車不打鬧,追逐。

二、 校園內外活動安全 (一) 校內安全 1. 體育活動安全 ① 體育老師要講清體育活動安全。 ② 活動課老師不得離開。 ③ 學生不做不安全的活動。 ④ 在無人保護下不做危險活動。 2. 學校集會與集體活動安全 可能發生的傷害:中暑、擠傷、跌傷、骨折、窒息、燒傷、腦震盪、死亡。 ① 上下樓梯不要擁護、禮讓慢行。 ② 不互相追逐瘋打。 ③ 不開無味的可造成傷害的玩笑。 3. 校內勞動安全 ① 嚴禁學生擦樓房外窗玻璃。 ② 做清潔時、防止滑倒跌傷、玻璃劃傷、釘子刺傷。 ③ 嚴禁學生用濕布擦電器旋扭開關。 4. 學生實驗安全 學生必須嚴格遵守實驗規則(略) 5. 學生住宿安全 ① 不得允許非住宿人員入住宿舍。 ② 不得私自接用電器電線。 ③ 不得瘋瘋打打。 ④ 不得將貴重物品帶入宿舍。 ⑤ 不得在宿舍使用蠟燭。

三.消防安全 消防安全教育的工作方針:“預防為主,防消結合” 江澤民指示:“隱患勝於明火,防範勝於救災,責任重於泰山”。 (一) 中學生的消防知識 發生火災的原因: 1. 用火不慎發生火災。 蠟燭照明、蚊煙香、用電器、液化氣灶 2. 用電不慎發生火災。 電線老化、亂拉亂接、銅線當保險絲、電熱毯、電爐故障 3. 用油不慎發生火災。 油加熱温度過高、容器滴漏 4. 燃放煙花爆竹。 5. 吸煙亂扔煙頭。 6. 玩火。 (二)火災的預防: 1. 家庭防火: ① 安全使用爐火。 ② 安全使用液化器。 ③ 安全用電。 ④ 少年兒童不要玩火。 ⑤ 燃放煙火爆竹要注意場所。 2. 學校防火: ① 嚴禁學生攜帶煙花爆竹入校。 ② 不要亂燒廢物。 ③ 實驗用的易燃物品要妥善使用。 ④ 經常檢查電器。 ⑤ 設置消防器材,不破壞消防器材。 ⑥ 宿舍的安全防火。 3. 公共場所防火 學生要做到: ① 不攜帶煙花爆竹到公共場所。 ② 不準玩與火有關的遊戲。 ③ 不準學生在山林野炊。 (二) 滅火基本知識 1. 隔離法:將着火物移開,不與其他物品接觸。 2. 窒息法:隔離空氣接觸火,用乾粉滅火器、砂、濕棉被等物滅火。 3. 冷卻法:

用水、滅火器將火冷卻。 4. 報警:火警電話119。報警要報清失火地點街道名稱。 火災自救與逃生 學生應沉着冷靜,採用科學的自救措施逃生。 1. 井然有序撤離火場,不要大聲喊叫,以防吸入煙霧窒息。 2. 弄清樓層通道,不要盲目亂跑、不要盲目開門。 3. 衝出樓房,要用濕毛巾捂住口鼻,低勢跑行。 4. 樓梯火小,就衝出去,火大就用繩子、被單等從窗口、涼台上滑下。 5. 身上着火,要脱掉衣服,或在地上打滾壓滅火。

四.衞生防病飲食安全 主要是腸道、呼吸道。 (一) 預防傳染病 1.常見傳染病的傳播途徑與預防知識。 傳染病傳染的三個基本環節: ① 傳染源:病人、病畜、老鼠等 ② 傳播途徑:空氣、食物、土壤、昆蟲 ③ 易感人羣:少年兒童是易感人羣 2.預防腸道傳染病 ① 注意傳染源,發現病人及時治療,與病人密切接觸的要檢查。 ② 切斷傳染途徑:加強環境衞生、保護水源、廁所清潔。 消滅蒼蠅、老鼠。 飯前便後要洗手。 ③ 預防接種疾苗 3.預防呼吸道傳染病 發病因素:氣温低、室內活動人羣聚集。 人受涼,抵抗力低,易感染。 預防方法: 病人隔離 不隨地吐痰 教室開窗通風換氣 4.預防蟲媒傳染病 狂犬病 乙型腦炎 由動物傳播 蟲子傳播 5.預防非典 早報告 早隔離早治療 勤通風 勤打掃 勤洗手 勤鍛鍊 勤消毒

五.個人家居安全 1. 安全用電。 2. 雷雨時不要打電話。 3. 個人在家要關好門窗。 4. 對陌生人來訪不要隨便開門。 5. 陌生人強行闖入,要跑到窗口,大聲叫喊。(打110電話) 6. 外出遊玩要告訴家長行程去處。 7. 陌生人稱家中有急事,要先打電話與家長聯繫落實。 8. 不單獨與陌生人同乘無人看管電梯。

9. 不把家中鑰匙掛在胸前。 10.不搭乘陌生人便車。 11.開車的陌生人問路要保持距離。 六.玩耍時安全 1. 不要盲目從高處跳下。 2. 不要在陽台、走廊把身體探出太多。 3. 不要盲目模仿電視武打危險動作。 4. 不玩發射撞擊玩具。

5. 做家務要防燒傷、燙傷






























大隊部 2014年3月6日



























西南中心國小 五(3)班 歐陽卓霖






a tale of two cities

i bought the‘a tale of two cities’ last summer holiday and then i just put it into my book collections and never tried to read it for the whole semester.

recently, i finished reading it--- "a tale of two cities" roughly. it is one of dickens's most important representative works, but a tragic one, i think. lost in the story, i felt like being together with the characters and the same exciting events. the story is set both in london and paris at the time of the great french revolution. it shows the causes of revolution and its effects on people's day-to-day life so impressively. the love story between charles darnay and lucie manette and their suffering experience is the tiny mirror that shows the real life of common people in france.

“it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative

degree of comparison only.”— a tale of two cities , dickens. we can easily admit that the writing talent of dickens from this paragraph.

the story begins like the above paragraph, and tells the chaotic setting. it augurs something uncommon is to happen. i appreciate this beginning very much. the beauty of language is expressed so successfully. the first time i read it, it arouses my interest at once. i really want to know what’s going on next. so it did not take me much time to read it over.

yes, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times, but for different people. for the king and aristocrats, they had a good time by taxing and ruling the people heavily and cruelly. as for the poor people, they had a miserable time. even the land could not bare it and produced no good crops and thus people had nothing to hand over. what’s eviler was the aristocracy made their will as the law by using money and the power they have. there were no justice, no equality and no fairness, just like the following plot.

it wrote in a period of darkness that a kind-hearted doctor was arrested and sent to the notorious prison bastille because he delated the aristocrats, the marquis st. evremonde brothers for they killing a whole family only for an instant pleasure. how indifferent they are! not until the revolution broke out and bastille was captured that dr. manette was release. then with broken heart, he and his daughter moved to england and got to know charles darnay there, with whom lucie felt deeply in love. and sydney

carton, a young man who adored lucie very much, was ready to die for her anywhere anytime. eventually, he took charles’s place to be arrested and died for love. it seemed kind of tragic.

although the king and many other aristocrats were sent to death, the situation had not been changed to much better. because people at that time were out of their minds and they wanted to take revenge as much as possible. once they belonged to the lowest class and suffered a lot. as the revolution happened, they’ve been changed into people that were full of evil in their hearts. i guess it is the hatred that ruled over their minds. so at the same time the prisoners were set free from bastille, even more people were put into it, even though they did nothing guilty.

at last, for the reason charles was the son of the marquis, charles was arrested. but sydney carton, a selfless man who wanted to do good for the couple, disguised as charles and died for him. what a noble man he was! although he died at last, he lasted forever in my heart.

the novel has portrayed many different people. doctor manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually. lucie is beautiful and gentle. charles is graceful and noble. lorry is upright and honest. sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm. he is unconventional but also selfless and lofty. miss pross is straightforward and loyal. evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister……the complex hatred is hard to solve,the cruel revenge has made more hatreds,loves

rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.

all i saw there were two people died, having a tragic ending.

miss pross was one of those women who thought nothing of their own needs and who, through pure love and admiration, are ready to make themselves slaves to youth when they have lost it, to beauty which they have never had, and to bright hopes that have never shone upon their own dark lives. as mr. lorry said, "there is nothing better in the world than the honest service of the heart". since miss pross had become like a mother to lucie and would have given her life for her, she would do everything she could to keep madame defarge in the house so that the carriage carrying lucie could run farther.

madame defarge was a woman with a very keen eye, a strong face and a great calmness of manner. when the french revolution broke out, it was her who led the woman and cut off the head of the governor of the prison. she had a strong, fearless and a kind of beauty that called attention to her qualities. having grown up with a deep sense of wrong and a powerful hatred of the aristocracy, to her, darnay's family must be destroyed, and the wife and child must follow the ending of the father, just like what she suffered when she was a child.

both were determined woman in their different ways. hatred had made the heart of the frenchwoman harder; love now filed the englishwoman's with courage. it's very interesting to see that each

woman spoke in her own language and neither understood a word of what the other said while each knew well(更多文章請關注) the other's intention.

as a result of the combat, madame defarge died lying on ground and miss pross could hear nothing for the rest of her life. that's one tragedy in my heart.

‘i see that i hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. i see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day. i see her and her husband, their course done, lying side by side in their last earthly bed, and i know that each was not more honored and held sacred in the other's soul, than i was in the souls of both.’

`i see that child who lay upon her bosom and who bore my name, a man winning his way up in that path of life which once was mine. i see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his. i see the blots i threw upon it, faded away. i see him, foremost of just judges and honored men, bringing a boy of my name, with a forehead that i know and golden hair, to this place--then fair to look upon, with not a trace of this day's disfigurement--and i hear him tell the child my story, with a tender and a faltering voice.’

`it is a far, far better thing that i do, than i have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that i go to than i have ever known.'

i was heavyhearted when reading what sydney carton said before he

died and i burst into tears finally. in such a background, sacrifice and blood was inevitable. however, blood could not wash away hatred, let alone took place of true love. the ending tells us to conquer evil with love.

equality and fairness were what people seek, which led to the french revolution. as a consequence, neither equality nor fairness got after the revolution, and that's another tragedy of the history.