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“ 去的儘管去了,來的儘管來着;去來的中間,又怎樣地匆匆呢?”這是朱自清《匆匆》中的一句話,是的,當我們早晨睡懶覺時,時間輕盈地從我們的棉被上是跳過,當我們在課堂上開小差,做小動作時,時間從我們呆滯的眼前,靈活的指間溜過;當我們充分利用課餘的每一分鐘在盡情玩耍時,時間也在我們不知愁滋味的歡笑中離去;天黑時,我們躺在牀上,他便伶伶俐俐地從我們身上跨過,從我們腳邊飛去了。等我睜開眼和太陽再見,這算又溜走了一日。我掩着面嘆息。但是新來的日子的影兒又開始在嘆息裏閃過了。








如果我是一棵小樹,那麼書就是燦爛的陽光。它照耀着我,讓我快樂地成長;如果我是一隻小鳥,那麼書就是任憑我高飛的天空;如果我是一條小魚,那麼書就是任我遨遊的河流。古今中外,有不少的愛書人士,他們寫出了家喻戶曉的名言。敬愛的周恩來總理說 “爲中華之崛起而讀書”,大詩人杜甫說 “讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神”,作家高爾基說 “書籍是人類進步的階梯”。










我還學會了許多古詩,比如:《題西林壁》、《望廬山瀑布》、《舟過安仁》……。 在平時的學習中,如果遇到一些陌生的字、詞,我會自覺在工具書上查找,解決疑問。媽媽還給我買了一些作文書,我有時間就去看一些好的作文,我會把一些好詞好句好段寫在自己的筆記本上,用來提高我的習作能力。








第四篇:安全演講稿(長山中學 六年一韓冰)


珍愛生命 善待自我


演講學生:韓 冰


大家好!今天,我演講的題目是《珍愛生命 善待自我》 。有人說,生命是寶藏;有人說,生命是黃金。我說,生命是花,就像春天絢麗多彩的花。世界因如花的生命而精彩,可是,有的人卻輕易地讓生命之花過早地凋謝了。







的。最後,讓我們把這句“珍愛生命 善待自我”永記在心中。我的演講結束了,謝謝大家!

第五篇:二0 0六年伊寧市國小英語教師水平測試

二0 0六年伊寧市國小英語教師水平測試(二)七年級下冊

學校:____________姓名:_____________ 得分:____________




mei () tao ()()() twins()


()6.a. it’s sunny.b. it’s rainy.c. it’s cloudy.d. it’s snowy. () other students did.c. mary . ()8.a. to have dinner with his friends.b. to do some work.c. to stay at home and watch tv.d. we don’t know. (), he isn’, he isn’t.c.i think , he is. ()10.a. in front of the post office.

b. behind the police station.

c. between the post office and the police station.

d. behind the post office.



)11. mrs brown is a ___.a. manb. mother

c. woman teacherd. girl

()12. mrs brown goes to work___ every day.a. in a carb. on footc. by biked. by bus

()13. mrs brown’s home is ___school.

a. very longb. nearc. not neard. far away

()14. it is a ___ morning in the story.

a. rainyb. nicec. warmd. cold and windy () the small boy saw tears in his teacher’s eyes, he thought___.a. she was happy

b. she didn’t like school

c. there was something wrong with her eyesd. she didn’t like the bad weather




my mother likes rings and wears ____( color) clothes.

about___(go) to the great wall? are ____( friend ) to people e are some ____ (leaf) on the street.

olympic games____(take) place every four ’s go out, it ____ (not rain) now.

did you learn to drive? my father ____(teach) wang always wears____(glass).24.i’d like ___ (have) a cup of tea.

green enjoys ___ (work) in china. 五.選擇填空(10分)

26. do you like___?--yes, i do.a. playing footballb. to play a football.

c. play with footballd. play with a football 27.— let’s go to see the thriller.a. yes, we do.b. no, we don’t.

--- ____.c. that sounds exciting.d. no, thank you. 28. john teaches us how to swim, perhaps he is a ___.

a. singerb. coachc. cookd. officer the teacher came in, the students stopped ____.

a. to talkb. talkc. talkedd. talking 30. ---why does tina want ___ a reporter?---because she likes___ people and ___ stories.

a. to be; talking to; writes,b. to be; talking with; writing,c. be; talking; writes,d. talking; writing, ___ medium height and he ___ blonde hair.

a. is , isb. has, hasc. is, hasd. has, is

32. kate ___ , the others ____.a. sing; listenb. is singing; are listeningc. sings; are listening tod. is singing; are listen ___ me feel very happy.a. makeb. madec. is makingd. maked34. sorry, i can’t ___it in english, i can only ___ chinese.

a. speak; talkb. say; tellc. say; speakd. talk; say 35.--- how’s it____?

--- great.a. gob. likec. likingd. going


36. how’s the weather there today?(變同義句)___ the weather ___ there today? 劃線部分提問)__ __ of people do you like? 38. where’s your teacher from? (變同義句)where __ your teacher __ from? 39. i can’t stand soap operas. (變同義句)i ___like soap operas ___ ___. 40. what other things do you have to do? (變同義句) what __ do you have to do?

七.補全對話: 選擇適當的句子,完成下面的對話.(12分)

a: where is he now?a: what’s your favorite sport? b: what’s he like?b: ________(41) c: do you have a favorite player?a: _______(42) d: why do you like it ?b: because it’s exciting.

e: what does he look like?a: ________(43)

f: basketball is my favorite sport.b: of course. yao ming is my favorite player.a: _________(44) b: he’s tall with short straight hair.

a: ________(45)b: he’s really smart.a: ________(46)

b: he’s in america. he is good abasketball.


a__(47) way to pass an exam is___(48) hard every day of the year. you can’t

succeed in __(49)exam if you are lazy for ___(50)of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.

a few days before the exam you should go to bed early. don’t stay up

late___(51)night. when you start the exam, you should read the question

paper___(52). before you hand in the paper. check your ___(53). correct the mistakes if there are ___(54), and make sure that you ___(55) all the ___(56) in the paper.47. a. wellb. goodc. shortd. long

48. a. workedb. workingc. to workd. works 49. a. anb. ac. /d. one

50. a. manyb. morec. lessd. most 51. a. atb. toc. downd. on

52. a. carefulb. carec. carelessd. carefully 53. a. questionsb. watchc. answersd. pens 54. a. ab. anyc. thed. one

55. a. answerb. answeredc. to answerd. answering 56.a. answersb. questionsc. teachersd. boys


(a)hello! i am daniel. i live in china but i come from canada. i am thirteen and medium height with black, curly hair. i wear glasses. i enjoy school very much. i don’t like math, but i am very good at english and chinese. i love playing computer games and using the internet. i have a lot of friends. at home i like talking with my friends on the phone. my friends and i often have parties on weekends.根據短文內容,選擇正確答案.

e is daniel from? --- he is from__.

a. canadab. chinac. englishd. american

tall is daniel?--- he is __.

a. of medium heightb. shortc. talld.i don’t know 59. what subject does daniel like? ---____.

a. englishb. chinesec. mathd. both a and b

does daniel look like? a. he is outgoing.b. he enjoys school very much.--- ___(本文 來自本站)_.c. he is medium height with black curly hair.

d. he loves playing computer game.

is daniel like? ---he is ___.a. outgoingb. skyc. seriousd. sad

(b)tom is a student. he likes animals very much. last term he thought he would do well in the final exam, because he worked hard all term. but when they had the exam, the teacher brought a birdcage with a bird in it into the classroom. the birdcage was covered with a piece of cloth. the students could only see the bird’s legs and feet. the teacher said, “please write down the bird’s name. this is your exam question.”

tom was very angry because he didn’t know the name of the bird. he gave his

paper to the teacher without writing hi name. the teacher said to him, “ what’s your

name, please? ” tom stood there, showed one of his legs to the teacher, and said, “look! can’t you guess? ”

根據短文內容,判斷下列句子的 正(t)誤(f)

62. tom was a student. he likes zoology. 63. tom didn’t work hard last term

64. tom was angry because he didn’t like the bird in the birdcage. 65. when the teacher saw tom’s leg, he knew his name. 66. tom was a bad boy, but he had a good teacher. 十.寫作(8分)

請用英語描述你印象最深刻的一次假期. 注意要包括以下幾項內容(80詞左右) e did you go?68. what did you do?69. how was the weather there?

were the people there?71. how was the food there?72. what did you think of your vacation?

二0 0六年伊寧市國小英語教師水平測試(二)



’t ses24. to have25. working 一.聽錄音,選出每個人所喜愛的食物.每小題讀一遍.

mei likes tao likes would like a cup of tea. would like some twins would like some bread.



6. m: a nice day, isn’t it?7. m: tom, did mary have a good time yesterday?w:yes, it is.w: yes.

q: how’s the weather?q: who had a good time yesterday? 8. w: would you like to have dinner with us tonight, david?

m: i’d love to, but i’m afraid i can’t, i have some work to do tonight.q: what’s david going to do tonight?

9. m: mrs smith is hungry now.10. m: can you tell me where the hotel is?w: her husband is hungry, too.w: yes, it’s between the post office andq: mr smith is full, isn’t he?the police station

q: where is the hotel?

(keys: 6-10:acbbc)

三. 聽短文,根據其內容選擇最佳答案.短文讀三遍.

mrs brown is a teacher. her house is not far from the school. she always walks

there in the morning. she walks to school on a very cold and windy morning in november. the cold wind goes into her eyes, and big tears begin running out of them. she gets to the school, opens the door and goes into the hall. it is nice and warm there. then a small boy looks at her for a few seconds, puts his arms round her and says kindly, “don’t cry, school isn’t very bad.”

(keys: 11-15:cbbdb)


六.36. what’s , like,37. what , kind,38. does , come else

七.41-46: f d c e b a

八.47-51: bcada52-56:dcbbb

九.(a)57-61:aadca(b)62-66: t f f f f

39. don’t, at all 40.